Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 2021 -2026
The project for Promotion of Safe and Appropriate Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers in Sri Lanka (SAFE Project) was implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Sri Lanka in corporation of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The project objective was to strengthen the capacity of the stakeholder institutions for promoting safe and quality crop production resulting increased occupational safety of farmers, reduced environment and health impact of agrochemical overuse, improved food safety and enhanced exports in the long run.
Project comprised of 2 phases and 4 outputs with several targets including tests, workshops and trainings. Several technology packages, training programs and training aides for training programs were developed as products among several others which were helpful to achieve the project targets during its implementation.
Planning Phase
Implementation Phase
Output 2: Technology and extension packages (tentative) for promoting safe and quality crop production is developed and validated.
Output 3: Extension workers (including government and private sector) and farmers are trained for the use of technology and extension packages.
Output 4: The experience and knowledge gained through the implementation phase are reflected to the Comprehensive Action Plans
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